The Family Tree: The Night of the Storm is not just a book; it’s a journey through grief, hope, and the
transformative power of creativity.
The Night of the Storm
It is not just a book; it’s a journey through grief, hope, and the transformative power of creativity.
Art and storytelling provide children with a safe space to explore and heal from loss, and stories like Laurie’s offer young minds a way to understand and cope with complex emotions. The Family Tree: The Night of the Storm is a heartfelt story about a family’s tree that loses a branch in a storm. In the story, the family comes up with a wholesome, creative plan to use the broken branch. Loss is a universal experience, and Laurie Copmann captures its emotional complexity by pairing the story with intricate fabric illustrations that add a tactile dimension to engage readers on multiple levels.

PRINCIPAL Can you Count to 100?
Principal Can You Count to 100? is a unique, engaging story that teaches us the beauty of dealing with seemingly deviant children patiently and lovingly.
I have been a teacher, counselor, and Principal for 34 years. For 14 of those years, I have served the students and community as an elementary principal. Each year all kindergarten students would practice counting to one hundred with their teacher. Once they had mastered counting to 100, the teacher would leave a note for me to count with each individual student who met their goal of counting to one hundred. Over the years of being the Principal at the elementary school, hundreds of students counted to one hundred for me and had their pictures placed on the wall. Most of the time, it took around five minutes for a student to count. However, Ryker was different. He always had a lot of stories to tell.